Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to the website of Coláiste Mhuire, Askeaton, Co. Limerick. I hope you enjoy browsing through all the information, news and pictures from our very busy school.

Coláiste Mhuire is tremendously proud of its history, tradition and achievements. Coláiste Mhuire continues a tradition of excellence in the provision of second level education in this area. In 1940 Mrs. Polly O’Mahony and Miss Nora Duggan (later Mrs. Hawkes) established St. Mary’s Secondary School, a lay co-educational secondary school. In doing so they were continuing a tradition of education in Askeaton that stretched back over two hundred years. In 1994, as part of an amalgamation process with the Vocational School in Shanagolden and Mount Trenchard Secondary School which was closing at the time, St. Mary’s Secondary School came under the patronage of County Limerick VEC and Coláiste Mhuire was established. In 2013, County Limerick VEC amalgamated with the VECs in Limerick City & Clare leading to the establishment of Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board.

Down through the years Colaiste Mhuire, Askeaton has been the number one choice for pupils from a very large number of primary schools. The personal interest taken by staff in students has always been a hallmark of education in Coláiste Mhuire. Central to our philosophy is the care of each individual student. All the staff at Coláiste Mhuire work as a team, dedicated to ensuring that each individual student achieves his/her potential.

Coláiste Mhuire is very mindful of the changing national landscape. We recognise that students need a holistic, rounded education in order to be able to take an active role in society and in the labour market in the future. We strive to be leaders in the field of educational change and improvement. We are a learning community, committed to embracing new ideas and methodologies to enhance the teaching and learning environment. We have an excellent track record of involvement in school self-evaluation and school improvement initiatives through the Action Learning Networks and Learning Schools Projects which places Coláiste Mhuire in an excellent position to move forward with current educational change and reform. This was recognised in our Whole School Evaluation, Management, Leadership & Learning (WSE-MLL: 2012) with the inspectors recognising that “The teachers’ willingness to engage with these projects means that students are the ultimate beneficiaries through enhanced learning opportunities in the classroom.”(WSE-MLL: 2012) A Follow-Through Inspection in 2014 highlighted our ongoing commitment to the school self-evaluation and school improvement process. “It is evident that school management and staff is continuing to take a well-organised and pro-active approach to all aspects of school improvement and in particular to teaching and learning. (WSE-MLL Follow-through Inspection: May 2014)

I am confident that Coláiste Mhuire provides our students with an educational experience underpinned with the values of respect, honesty and collegiality enabling them to emerge from their time with us as self-disciplined, responsible, adaptable and well-adjusted individuals, capable of playing their part in an ever-changing, modern society.

Morgan Heaphy

Oct 28
Midterm Break
Nov 11
November Assessments(All Years)
Nov 18
Science Week
Nov 28
Transition & 5th Year Parent/Student/Teacher Meeting
Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton
Church Street, Askeaton, Co. Limerick
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© 2024 Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton