Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton

Student Wellbeing

In Coláiste Mhuire we take a pro-active, positive, holistic approach to the welfare of each individual student. Our Pastoral Care team includes:


Student Support Team

Deputy Principal

Year Heads & Class Tutors

Guidance Counsellor

Subject Teachers


Student Mentors*

Care Team

Learning Support

*Mentors – Members of the student body who are trained in leadership and play a constructive role in our pastoral care programme. Mentors are assigned to incoming 1st years to help in their transition from primary to post-primary school.

There is a very good transition programme in place to welcome first-year students into the school with older student mentors assigned to each class, and assistance from the guidance counsellor to ensure that the transition from primary school is effected smoothly. (WSE-MLL: 2012)

Guidance Counsellor

Each student will make significant decisions while still in school. These decisions can be personal & social, educational and career related. Coláiste Mhuire has a Guidance Counsellor, Ms Geraldine O’Brien who has the responsibility for providing the school’s Guidance service. Guidance Counsellor’s work in schools is to assist students to make choices in the three important areas outlined above. This is done through individual appointments, guidance classes and other activities.

In Coláiste Mhuire the Guidance Counsellor may undertake some or all of the following activities:

  • Help you explore your own feelings about your present life situation;
  • Explore with you the choices open to you and the consequences of each choice;
  • Help you make important and / or difficult decisions;
  • Help you come up with solutions to problems you may be experiencing;
  • Help you to change behaviours you may wish to change;
  • Offer advice on issues of a personal nature;
  • A lot of these activities will happen through confidential counselling.
  • Introduce you to careers materials;
  • Give you information on various educational and training courses and employment opportunities;
  • Provide you with information on careers;
  • Organize classroom activities where you develop a Curriculum Vitae and Letter of Application.
  • Give you advice and help in study and examination techniques;
  • Carry out aptitude testing and / or career interest testing;
  • Explore with you the options after the Leaving Certificate;
  • Explore the CAO system with you and the application process;
  • Assist you in identifying your occupational interests using computer software;
  • Give you information on studying abroad;
  • Meet with your parents at parent / teacher meetings and / or information evenings;
  • Refer you to qualified helpers outside the school system, should the Guidance Counsellor deem it necessary.



Coláiste Mhuire has the services of a full-time School Chaplain (Ms. Brown). The Chaplain is a faith presence in the school community who is available to students, parents/guardians and staff members alike. Coláiste Mhuire is a multifaith school, rooted in the religious traditions of Askeaton and the surrounding area. The presence of a shared Christian tradition in this area predates the present church buildings and includes the Convent of the Knights Templar and Franciscan Abbey. The majority of families in the area have connections with the Catholic Church, and the school stands on the site of and has continuity with a former Church of Ireland school.

The Role of the Chaplain

The School Chaplain is involved in accompanying the school community; staff, students, families, walking with them on a shared journey, being totally present to them and investing time and energy into building relationships. Chaplaincy is a constant in school, a permanent and almost unchanging presence. The role of the Chaplain is wide and varied and involves teaching religious education, meeting students on an individual basis, bereavement counselling, organising prayer services and participating in activities which relate to the well-being and development of the school community. The Chaplain nurtures links with the local parish and encourages members of the school community to show respect for all faith traditions and minority groups.

The Chaplain responds to the spiritual and religious needs of the students and the whole school community, while respecting the religious and personal convictions of all. The School Chaplain ensures the Mission Statement of Coláiste Mhuire and finds expression through prayer and liturgy throughout the academic year. This expression includes: Beginning of the Year prayer services in R.E. classes, Meditation, Advent, Lenten and November Remembrance prayer services, Retreats and Graduation Mass. The Chaplain works in collaboration with the Religious Education Department and the local Parish Community and through this, is supported in fostering the liturgical life of the school.

The Chaplain creates a safe space of support when it is needed, offering time to listen, to encourage, to reflect, and at times to simply “be”. The Chaplain is present, within a faith context to students, staff and parents/guardians when they need to share their worries, concerns and troubles with someone in confidence. When necessary, the Chaplain will liaise with parents/guardians and recognise when a student needs to be referred on to another professional. In individual meetings with the Chaplain, the confidentiality rule is followed in accordance with Child Protection Guidelines. Confidentiality is observed except in cases where a person or persons are at risk.

The Chaplain works closely with School Management, the Guidance Counsellor, Year heads, Class Teachers and Learning Support Teachers to promote a harmonious school environment for the well-being of all its members. The Chaplain as a member of the Care Team and Student Support Team is committed to the well-being and care of all in the school community.

Student Support Team (SST)

Coláiste Mhuire recognises the fundamental need, which has emerged within the education sector for a greater awareness of Mental Health Wellbeing as it impacts the entire school community. The main function of the Student Support Team is to provide support for students who are experiencing difficulties. The team supports students by recognising signs and responding to a concern. Team members are Geraldine O’Brien – Guidance Counsellor, Diane Brown(Chaplain), Margaret Culhane (S.P.H.E. Co-ordinator), Anne Mulcahy (Learning Support Co-ordinator) and Anne Daly, Morgan Heaphy (Principal, DLP) and John Bourke (Deputy Principal, DDLP). Each member has received specialist training from the Health Service Executive and LCETB. This training enables members to identify students who are at risk of depression, self harm and suicide and to ensure appropriate monitoring of these students and appropriate methods of intervention. The Student Support Team aims to promote wellbeing in developing resilience and connectedness within the school community.

Care Team

The pastoral care team plays a central role within our school. It aims to create an environment which promotes the holistic development of all students. Our care team provides guidance through which students, staff and parents are made aware of their expectations, responsibilities and consequences, within our school. Academic, behavioural and social issues are within the general remit of the weekly meetings. When the need arises students can be referred to the team by their Year Head, for appropriate interventions. Communication with parents/guardians may be necessary as a consequence of issues arising from these meetings.

Feb 03
Bank Holiday
Feb 04
Pre-Examinations (3rd & 6th Year)
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 26
Well Being Week
Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton
Church Street, Askeaton, Co. Limerick
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© 2025 Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton