Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton

Enrolment Procedure

Coláiste Mhuire welcomes all students. It is our objective, having regard to the efficient use of resources, to provide equality of access for all. Our procedures for application are in keeping with the characteristic spirit of the current legislation such as the ‘Education Act 1998’, the ‘Education Welfare Act 2000’, the ‘V.E.C. Act 2000’ and the ‘Equal Status Act 2000’.

Well in advance of enrolment we meet with the parents/guardians of incoming students with special needs including learning difficulties and exceptional ability. Together we discuss the child’s particular needs and through Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board we make early application to the Department of Education and Science for appropriate resources.

Enrolment Forms are available from the administration office. As places are limited, it is in your interest to ensure that this form is completed and returned to Coláiste Mhuire on time.

Acceptance by parents/guardians and by the student of the Code of Behaviour is a prerequisite of a student’s admission to the school.

Click here for our Enrolment Policy

Feb 04
Pre-Examinations (3rd & 6th Year)
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 26
Well Being Week
Mar 05
Oide Whole School Training(No Classes)
Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton
Church Street, Askeaton, Co. Limerick
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© 2025 Coláiste Mhuire Askeaton